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There was a pretty little swallowtail butterfly hanging out in a tunnel this morning. The caterpillar stage (aka, the plant-eating stage) usually doesn’t pose much of an issue for us. So swallowtails are one of the butterflies we can enjoy without worrying about what damage their offspring will do.

My phone camera’s focusing skills were on point today. I only took 2 pictures of the butterfly and BOTH were in focus!

Plus this particular butterfly was in a tunnel with none of its preferred food sources (parsley, fennel, dill, etc) for their young.

I think he/she was just scoping out the sunflowers and cosmos planted in there. Sadly, they’re not close to blooming yet.

(I seeded the sunflowers and cosmos for myself, thinking they’d die – because that’s what usually happens to me – and I’d have time to try again. But they didn’t die! Weird, huh? Seeds turning into plants. Who’da thunk? Anyways, I talked the guys into planting them at the farm so hopefully, we’ll have some early sunflowers! And the rare chocolate cosmos).

If you look closely, you might be able to see the little green tomato just under the tomato flowers in the background

Fortunately, there are plenty of other flowers nearby for the swallowtail butterfly to make use of.

One of the fun flowers blooming right now is the pawpaws! It looks like the tree is filled with burgundy bells hanging from the branches, just waiting to be rung.

Fortunately, they’re not real bells, because that would be annoying on a windy day like today.

The underside of them looks cool too.

Events I Think Sound Cool

Real Housewives of NJ: Early American Women & Their Kitchen Garden. April 18. Mullica Hill Library.

Astronomy Night at the Refuge. April 19. John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge.

Seed Packet Filling Extravaganza. April 19. Historic Penn Farm.

Public Archaeology. April 20. Newlin Grist Mill.

Seasonal Inspiration

Baked Eggs with Swiss Chard

Radishes with Butter and Salt

Asparagus Frittata

Spaghetti and Beetballs

Carrot and Apple Mince Pies

Happy Eating!


About The Author

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