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Small share: squash, leeks, spinach, baby Bok choy or lettuce, brussels, peppers or carrots, jalapeno, apples, pears, garlic or chives
Large share: squash, leeks, spinach, baby Bok choy or lettuce, brussels, peppers or carrots, jalapeno, apples, pears, garlic or chives, cauliflower or broccoli, green or red tomatoes, celery root, oregano or thyme
Fruit only: plums or figs, concord grapes, pears, apples

You can eat them out of hand, squeeze them into juice, or make them into jelly.
To store: Store unwashed in the refrigerator wrapped in a plastic bag for up to 1 week, but best within 3 days.
To prep: Wash. Pick off the stems. Remove seeds if desired (and applicable); we eat them with the seeds.
To use: eat as is! For seeded grapes, eat them kind of like oysters – suck them out of their skin to get the juice and flavor and swallow the grape whole. Smoosh onto a peanut butter sandwich, make sorbet or frozen yogurt, add to pie or cake, turn into a savory sauce for meat, etc. Pair with cheese and chocolate.
To freeze: Suggested only for seedless varieties. Wash seedless grapes, then place in sealable plastic bags and store in the freezer. Eat them straightaway, still frozen, as a healthy snack.
Concord grapes are blue-black in color and look as though they have been powdered in silver. They have a deep, sweet flavor that finishes with a touch of tart. They are called a ‘slip skin’ grape because skin is easily separated from the flesh with gentle pressure. They do contain seeds. Classic for making jelly and juice but are our favorite snacking variety too.
Delaware Grapes have tender thin red-purple skin with a sweet fruity flavor. Also, a slip skin variety. May or may not have seeds. Common in wine production, as well as snacking on.
Niagara Grapes are large, juicy, green skinned grapes. A similar flavor to table grapes. And these are seedless so easy to snack on or cook with.
Natural Thompson Grapes are the ancestor of the green seedless table grapes you see in the grocery store. The Natural Thompsons are smaller with a yellowish ting to their green skin. They are also seedless.