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Small share: corn, green beans, peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, lettuce, peaches, basil or chives

Large share: corn, green beans, peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, lettuce, peaches, basil or chives, zucchini, cucumbers, spaghetti squash, oregano or rosemary

Fruit only: ¼ yellow or red watermelon, peaches, nectarines

Flower share: zinnias, rudbeckia, and/or dahlias


yellow peaches

Ripe peaches will have a strong aroma and will give slightly with pressure. Early season peaches tend to be “clingstone” where the pit of the peach will cling to the flesh when you cut it open. These are also often “split stone,” where the outer hull of the pit will split and you can see the actual seed inside (looks a lot like an almond!). Mid-late season peaches are usually “freestone” where the pit of the peach easily pops free from the flesh. And late season peaches will not get as soft as the early/mid-season peaches, although they’re still sweet and juicy.

To store: If your peaches are not yet ripe (hard as a rock), store them out of the sunlight on the countertop until they are soft and aromatic, about 1-3 days. Once they are ripe, it’s time to eat! If you want to delay having ripe peaches, put your peaches in the fridge, right away – before they are ripe – and then migrate them to the counter as desired. Ripen all your peaches within a week.

To prep: Wash and remove the pit inside.

To freeze: Choose firm, ripe peaches (not mushy ones). It takes 5 peaches to make one quart. Prepare a light sugar solution using 6 cups water and 2 cups sugar. (This will cover/ surround the peaches to protect them from oxidization and freezer burn. You’ll need about 1 cup per quart). Heat sugar solution on stove, stirring constantly to keep it from burning. As soon as it is dissolved, remove from heat, and let cool. Wash peaches. To skin peaches, place them in a pot of boiling water for 30 seconds, then dunk them in an ice bath to stop the cooking. The peels will slide right off. Remove pits, and cut the peaches into slices and put in bowl. Mix with Fruit Fresh (ascorbic acid) or 1/4 cup lemon juice to prevent browning. Now combine the peaches with the sugar syrup. And pack into Ziploc freezer bags, removing as much air as possible. Freeze for up to a year.

The two main types you’ll see:

Yellow Peaches have yellow flesh and a yellow-red skin. They tend to have a more intense flavor that holds up well to cooking and canning. Great just snacking on as-is too.

White Peaches have white flesh and white-pink skin. Their flavor is a little more delicate and are best used fresh as snacks or in salads.

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