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April brings excitement! We see the shift from winter crops to spring, longer daylight hours, and the rapid growth of all the crops. As we monitor the night time temperatures, we can gauge how quickly the vegetables will grow.
Anticipation has us guessing when the first asparagus will be harvested. Although we have been growing all sorts of vegetables this year in our tunnels, there is something about asparagus that is special. Somewhere between April 6 and April 30 for asparagus to appear—you guessed it, all depending on the weather! And sometimes we get a few asparagus starting and then … nothing until we have a few more moderate nights.
I personally look forward to rhubarb, the strange stalk of a perennial plant. Do not eat the leaves, as they are slightly toxic for humans. The tart stalks are perfect for cobblers, pies, jams, sauces, or stews. My grandfather even enjoyed it raw. Rhubarb usually shows up at the end of April.
This year, we have enjoyed bountiful harvests from our tunnels and hydroponic house. Romaine, scallions, snow peas, salad turnips, kale, chard, mustard greens, Boston Bibb, Verigo green leaf lettuce, red leaf lettuce, arugula, cilantro, and parsley are just some of the crops that graced our CSA and farm market offerings.
The fruit tree blossoms look beautiful while giving us hope for good crops this summer. Visions of plums and peaches and apples dance through our dreams!
We brought herb and vegetable plants, perennials, and bedding plants from the heated tunnels to the market display, testing the weather and the plants to see what is ready for the cool weather of spring. It’s not time for basil or peppers yet! But yes, you can plant lettuce, parsley, and cilantro. There is nothing so satisfying as playing in the dirt, we think.
I expect our barn swallows to be back soon—always here by April 25! They devour thousands of insects daily, plus they are graceful and beautiful. And you know it is truly spring when the peacock starts showing off again!
The pandemic has warped my sense of time. Has it really been just over a year? And at the same time, it feels as if it has been 10 years. Getting the staff (and myself) vaccinated has taken one level of stress off, but we continue to be cautious and careful. We appreciate the care all of you take as well.
Thank you for your support of our family farm throughout this past year and previous years. You make it possible for us to keep on farming.