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Another rainy day here in Delaware, with a rainy November forecast. I have to admit, rainy, chilly days make me want to take a nap. A long nap. However, farming keeps on going. Fortunately, we have under cover activities to keep us busy and mostly dry. However, boots and rain coats are recommended!
Since we knew the rain was coming—extra rain from Hurricane Zeta—we were extra busy yesterday, cutting kale for the shares, and harvesting everything that did not care to be drowned. I grabbed one of our store employees to pick blackberries with me. I think this is the latest we have ever picked blackberries!
High tunnel work. This is a favorite. Easy to harvest, everything is clean, everything looks good, harvesting is fast. Planting in the tunnels—also fun! Today, we planted rows of snap peas and lots more romaine. So far, we have not found a limit on how much romaine to grow—it is a customer favorite. Then, we started a 1000 or so seeds in trays for transplanting into the new tunnels (currently under construction). The hydroponic house also was busy with harvesting and starting new seeds.
In the barn, I run back and forth between the bakery and the market, so a hooded jacket is a must for me. Carrying pies and donuts was fun, as I had a large cover to protect the baked goods—it’s ok for me to get wet, but not the donuts! Our stalwart customers came out all day during the rain and did their shopping. We all had rain jackets with hoods, so everyone was incognita till the hood was flipped down. Today was the delivery of our organic packaged goods, so pricing and putting everything away took most of the day.
I did a lot of prep work in the bakery for Friday. Honey and more honey poured and ready to go. Sunshine after a rainy day means we will be extra busy. I will hit the ground running tomorrow with pies, bread, donuts, fruit breads, and bagels.
We sorted kabocha, butternut, delicata, and acorn squash into stackable boxes. We made a dent in the back storage area (where everything has been dumped when we don’t know where else to put it!). And just for fun, we cleaned shelves and jars. We stocked dried fruits and dried beans, granolas and oatmeal. All the jams, jellies, pickles, salsas, and salad dressings were re-stocked.
Rainy days give us a chance to catch our collective breath. I am able to sit down and write to our wonderful customers. If I don’t write something down, how will you know we think of you all the time? When we plan what to plant, it’s with you in mind. When we harvest, we hope you like what we have. When I schedule crops for the CSAs, I am careful NOT to give you cabbage 3 weeks in a row—you see, we are listening!
Tomorrow will be our last day before a hard frost—our first—Friday night. We already have planned what needs to be harvested before that potentially killing frost.Rainy days, sunny days, snowy days, we are growing and harvesting every day. Come on in, we are ready for you! Thank you for your support during this crazy year. We would not be here without you.