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Why flowers? Flowers help you thrive!

Flowers build your serotonin, oxytocin, and dopamine. Flowers make you feel good!

We grow flowers right here. Without chemicals or pesticides. Cut fresh every day. Right from our field to you.

A flower subscription gives you a bouquet of fresh flowers from our cutting gardens, every week or every other week. You can treat yourself or delight someone with the gift of flowers.

Did you know? 90% of flowers sold in grocery stores and florist shops are imported.

Think about that. 90%! You have the opportunity to change that.

A Flower Subscription is a type of CSA—Community Supported Agriculture—which gives you fresh flowers each week. The flowers change with the seasons, from tulips and peonies, to zinnias and lisianthus, to sunflowers, dahlias and celosia, plus an amazing variety of flowers in-between!

Sometimes there is a normal number of flowers, but there are times when there is an abundance of flowers. Our members benefit with extra flowers those weeks.

To help you decide if a Flower Subscription is right for you, and before you sign up for this commitment to our farm, ask yourself these 6 questions…

Is a Flower Subscription right for me?

  1. Do you want to support a local farm when you buy flowers? Is the relationship with the farmer important to you?
  2. Are you going to be out of town a lot?
  3. Do you value fresh, unusual flowers?
  4. Do you need specific colors and varieties of flowers?
  5. Are you willing to try new colors and flower combinations?
  6. If the flowers last longer than a week, are you willing to have extra flowers in the house?

Alright, if you have stopped laughing at #6, keep reading…

1. Do you want to support a local farm? Is the relationship to the farm important to you?

We find again and again that the number one reason for joining a CSA is to support a local farm. After all, a farm in your neighborhood is a good thing!


Members want to be able to shake the hand that grows just for them. There’s something rewarding about knowing you are doing your part to support a local business.


Subscribers’ motivation for supporting the farm is just as much about having the back of the farmer, as it is about getting the full financial value of their share. Your decision to be a loyal member is what makes your local food producers resilient.


But this relationship goes both ways. When you join, we cultivate a connection with you, too. This means we learn your name and work hard to make the Flower subscribers feel like a community. We try to add value to your life by teaching you about our farm’s story or sharing how to take care of your flowers.

2. Are you going to be out of town a lot?

Our CSA allows you to put your subscription “on hold,” but you have to remember to do it 3 days ahead of time! You can also have someone else pick up your share.


We ask you to think about your circumstances before you sign up. Is your chosen pick up site and day convenient? Is your life too busy to fit this in right now? It might be better to order “a la carte” from our online store or shop in the market based on your availability. Can you pick up on your designated day?


I bet you know someone who would be thrilled to pick up flowers.

3. Do you value fresh?

You want flowers that will last more than 24 hours. You want flowers that make your home special.

Flowers that are grown within minutes of where you live.

Our flowers are all about providing you with the extra touch to make your home festive every night.

4. Do you need control over your flower planning?

Members learn to be flexible with their flowers and make things work.  You often don’t know what you will get in your bouquet until a few days before the pick up. Or what colors or shapes or sizes.


Some people love the spontaneity. Others will be stressed by it. Which one are you?


Think hard on this. Are you willing to give up some control over your design?


Can you go with the flow?

5. Are you willing to try new flowers?

Tulips, peonies, gladiolas, snapdragons, zinnias, celosia and all sorts of other flowers! Have you really met a flower you didn’t like? But these flowers change with the seasons and are grown because they grow well here. Not in South America or Holland or Africa. Right here in Delaware.


You will discover new flowers that you might never have selected yourself. I hope you learn to love them as we do!


Are you open to the local experience and ready to embrace the flowers—whatever they are—with enthusiasm?

6. Are you willing to have extra flowers
in the house?

Alright, you can stop laughing now. Because, really, is there such a thing as too many flowers?


We hear from our customers all the time: “Your flowers last and last!”


So, you might be getting some new flowers before the “old” ones are done. That could be the perfect time to give flowers to someone!

Did you know?

92% of people remember exactly when someone last gave them flowers. 

If you want to be memorable, give flowers!

So, how’d you do?

Remember, a Flower Subscription is just one model for getting fresh flowers from our farm to you. For those who value the story, the journey, and the farmer relationship behind the flowers, it can be a great option that changes the way you look at flowers forever.


But there’s no shame in passing on the subscription and instead buying weekly from the farm store. That may be a better fit for your lifestyle or needs.


We have both options, so we want you to be in the right place.


As in all things, expectations determine how you experience the product. To set you up for Flower CSA success, make sure your expectations align with the philosophy of the Subscription before you commit.

Ready to get started?

Flowers will start the first of May and continue through September.

Try out our CSA with a 4-week trial membership.

Learn about our CSA shares here.

Decide your pick-up site.

Place your order.

You get a confirmation email, and we begin to onboard you into our program via email. There is a special Facebook group for our CSA members!

Payment options: Pay for 4 weeks, 12 weeks, or “pay as you go” with Auto Renew, which charges your credit card 2 days in advance of each pick up.

Sign up here

No thanks, CSA is not my gig…

Try shopping our online farm store instead. Delivery is also an option. If you want to send local flowers locally, we have an easy way for you to do that!


You can order completely “a la carte” in the CSA store and add to your vegetable share one time or many times.           


You can also shop in-person at the farm market Monday-Saturday in our historic barn. Bouquets are available as flowers are available.


We appreciate your support of our family farm. You make it possible for us to be here.


Growing beyond expectations since 1832!

About The Author

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