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This post may contain affiliate links. Probably doesn’t, but it might. It doesn’t cost you anything extra but if you use these links to buy something, we may earn a commission.

First things first, we will be open 9-3 on Tuesday, July 4th.

If you’re scheduled to pick up your share at the farm on Tuesday, make sure you get here by 3!

No CSA shares will be delivered on Tuesday, July 4th though.

(We will still be closed Sunday and Monday July 2-3 as usual).

Second things second, look at this volunteer flower in the tomatoes. Plants demonstrate over and over again that you can grow wherever you want to. Bonus points if you can thrive where you weren’t supposed to even grow.

And third things third: eggs.

And fruit breads.

The white eggs aren’t ours; we buy them. And we had a restaurant ask if they could get some because egg prices had jumped for them. After a few months of regularly getting eggs though, the restaurant stopped showing up… without letting us know. Leaving us with 450 dozen white eggs to do… something… with.

Over the last couple of weeks we donated the eggs to Emmanuel Dining Room. But it reminded me of a story of another time we had a bunch of eggs (I hadn’t been born yet, I’m using the Royal We here. Just go with it).

A little over 40 years ago my Grandfather was backing up the truck… and managed to back into a couple cases of eggs…. Rather than let 60 dozen eggs go to the pigs, my Grandmother got to baking fruit breads and pumpkin pies (it was fall).

After all, as she said this morning, “$50 was a lot of money back then.”

And since she is an awesome-sauce baker, her creations were a hit (awesome-sauce is an official term. It’s what Michelin-rated chefs aspire to).

Some of the recipes have been passed down through the family – the Blueberry Bread (pictured above) is her grandmother’s recipe (Rachel Emma Baker Talley) and the pumpkin pie is her mother’s recipe. Some recipes she got from friends – the Cinnamon Sourdough came from a lady at church. Some she found in magazines and cookbooks – everyone is grateful for the Chocolate Zucchini Bread discovery. And some recipes she made up herself.

My grandmother is always happy to share her recipes and says you can follow as written… but they never turn out quite the same as when she makes them. And if you ask her, like “I use 2 cups of flour for Apple Bread, right?” Her response is always along the lines of “Oh, no. You want a little more than 2 cups. And use about 3/4 of the sugar.” Um… ok. And then there will be nothing listed for the directions!

Very helpful instructions from me: Mix. Pour into a greased pan. Bake until cooked. Eat. (Wasn’t that helpful? I mean, you never would have known to eat the bread after it’s baked if I hadn’t told you. Although all us grandkids can attest to the deliciousness of getting to scrape the bowl). Truthfully, it’s probably bake at 350 for an hour. But if you give it a try, I’m not promising that that’s the right time and temp.

Some seasonal inspiration:

Blueberry Banana Bread

Milk Butter Boiled Corn on the Cob

Down Home Cornbread Dressing

Tomato Peach Crostini with Hot Bacon Dressing

Open Tue-Fri 9-6, Sat 9-5.

Closed Sunday & Monday.

This is one of the weekly newsletters that is emailed out every Saturday night (no more, no less). If you liked the information make sure you sign up so you can get Elizabeth’s (sometimes snarky) writings delivered right to your inbox. You can read it on the website – obviously – but a copy of the newsletter isn’t posted to the website until several weeks later.

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